Lysandra's Poem Sparknotes

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“Lysandra’s Poem”, a story about a friendship ending as if it never existed. Why was this youthful relationship ruined? Friends Lysandra and Elaine, are the main characters of this short story. They were best friends, but in the end they were nothing more than strangers. We know that Lysandra is described as awkward and shy ( Wilson 127). It is inferred that she doesn't have many friends and Elaine probably being her only friend. The main conflict between the two is the poetry contest. Both girls participated in the contest and out of the two Elaine had won. As expressed in the story, “... Lysandra was the only one to devote her entire life to it…” (Wilson 128). This contest meant a lot to Lysandra, yet Elaine won. There is no right to …show more content…

Be nice again. I don't want our friendship to be wrecked.” ( Wilson 131). Elaine wanted to continue being friends with Lysandra, yet she did not accept her apology. Instead, Lysandra held a grudge against her for years and decided to get revenge. She also hurt Elaine’s feelings, so that she understood how she felt herself. Both Elaine and Lysandra did something to betray each other, however Lysandra is the one to be deemed the true villain of this story. The reason of why I believe she is the villain is because instead of forgiving Elaine, she held a grudge and got revenge. While Elaine tried to reconcile, Lysandra would not even listen to what she had to say. To be honest, I do not have an experience that is similar to the one in the story, but I did get betrayed by one of my friends back when I was in the second grade. We were on recess break, therefore we aren't allowed to stay in classrooms. In my school, we had a cafeteria open during lunches and recesses for student I often brought money for lunches and snacks. We leave our backpacks in the classrooms and, so I would just bring enough money to buy whatever I needed. I would leave some of it in my backpack. One day that my best friend during that time stole my …show more content…

I kindly ask to accompany her, however she denied me and told me to go ahead. When the break was over,I went to check my backpack, only to find that my money had been stolen. I remembered that there was only one person I knew had gone into the classroom when nobody was around. I decided to go confront my friend about it, but she denied any allegations. Then, my youthful mind decided that taking ‘revenge’ was the way to go. My plan was simple, do exactly what she did to me. I stole her money, however I got caught by the teacher. At that moment I knew that trying to get back at my friend was not the right idea. Just like in the story, I did something to one of my precious friends. Unlike Lysandra I was not successful. But I learned that, you shouldn't try to get revenge. Not always does revenge makes us feel better. When we try to get revenge, we want to retaliate to the other person, prove to them that they did something wrong. But revenge is not the best option. There are plenty of other ways that we can communicate those feelings without having the need to hurt someone else’ feelings. Very often, revenge goes too far, causing suffering on

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