Chillingworth's Demonic Actions

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With a raging desire for knowledge and a single-minded pursuit of

retribution, Chillingworth’s demonic actions lead him to damnation,

demonstrating the need for reconciliation in times of conflict.

Two Wrongs Make a Wrong

Revenge. It exists within everyone. Pervading throughout all social

relationships, revenge is damaging and detrimental to any hopes of

reconciliation. Those who commit revenge are cowardly people

unwilling to face the harsh realities of life. For the meek,

vengeance pleasures the soul; however, it is only temporal. Like an

addictive drug, revenge soothes anger and tension by sedating the mind

with ephemeral comfort. Despite the initial relief, pain ensues and

conditions seem worse than before. Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the

non-violence movement in India, stated once that “an eye for an eye

only ends up making the whole world blind.” There is no such thing as

a sweet revenge. In a sense, revenge is slowly killing oneself and

dragging another into death as well. Nathaniel Hawthorne, in his

novel The Scarlet Letter, evinces this reality in the eventual fate of

Roger Chillingworth. Aroused by a vehement zeal for payback towards

the Reverend Dimmesdale, Chillingworth drains the life out of himself,

shown in his gradually decaying body and soul. With a raging desire

for knowledge and a single-minded pursuit of retribution,

Chillingworth’s demonic actions lead him to damnation, demonstrating

the need for reconciliation in times of conflict.

Chillingworth’s unquenched thirst for knowledge leads him to a state

of vengeance, foreshadowing its eventual control over his actions. As

a respected physician, Chillingworth was “a man of skill in all

Christian modes of physical science, and li...

... middle of paper ...


powerful grip over him, dies peacefully, and Chillingworth dies soon


To plot revenge in any situation is harmful. Chillingworth’s plot of

revenge brings the downfall of Dimmesdale, as well as his own. For

the last seven years of his life, his days were passed with a

steadfast goal of creating torment for the man who sinned and hurt him

the most. In this case, Hawthorne is the Aesop, and he strives to

communicate the moral and truth about revenge. Like Mahatma Gandhi,

Hawthorne indicates that revenge is a continual process—one act of

revenge leads to more atrocious acts by the opposition, and in the end

no one wins. The human mind has been deceived. Revenge is the trap

we all fall into every once in a while. Humans just need to remember

to be open towards each other with forgiving and receiving arms and to

embrace the enemy with love, not hate.

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