Lysa Dunkeurst Rejection Quotes

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We all question our beliefs, whether it be religious, or just simply how evolution has evolved. And in the book Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst, she takes you through her beliefs and journey of finding and meeting God. All throughout this book she helps us understand that rejection is going to be our biggest enemy. Rejection is going to be there when you're trying to move closer to God, rejection is going to follow you all through life, rejection is going to be in all of your relationships, rejection is going to ruin opportunities and rejection is going to make you feel less than, left out and lonely. But all you can do is thrive to live loved. She also explains that rejection is just going to get you where you are supposed to be and that it’s …show more content…

Being honest with yourself and accepting yourself the way you are. Once again, rejection. Chapter one, page eight TerKeurst says. “Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me.”. She then follows to explain a situation she had been in one day at the airport and someone had overheard her talking to herself in harsh ways. This quote is very effective about self rejection and outside rejection. I can most relate to Lysa in this way, from the way my voice sounds on the phone, how my hair looked that day and if my baby curls were to curly or to when I am in a situation and get rejected from someone else, I would then turn around and find anything that I could have possibly done wrong. That suddenly turned into self rejection. And only because of this book, I have realized I am the way I am because The amazing Jesus Christ made me exactly the way he wanted me. From the freckles I once hated, my cute baby curls that are oh so curly some days, the curves my body has, my silly laugh, my personality, and to the way I walk. All of these have suddenly turned …show more content…

I can remember when my “best friends” started doing things without me. Going home after school and crying because I wasn’t invited to the little get together after school. All the way up to this past summer, I would see things on their snapchat stories and get down on myself and still feel uninvited and rejected. But lysa really tackles the emotional issue of rejection, once again, and loneliness. And she tackles it REALLY good! Chapter six, page 68 she says, “The fragile nature of my heart needs time. So I give it just that. They say time heals-and I think this can be true-but only if that the goal here: healing. Time grows the seeds that are planted, watered, and fertilized. Plant beauty, grow beauty. Plant thorns, grow thorns. Time will allow for either.”. To me this paragraph allowed me to realize that all I have been doing is watering the seed that just keeps making me jealous of all of my friends and making me feel so uninvited. Only if I would just step back and and plant a new seed, or as in this case a new friend, that seed would just die off and right there would be so much less negativity, uninvited ness, and loneliness in my life. As simple as

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