Lennie Unintelligent Quotes

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Lennie is unintelligent all throughout the story. “‘Uh-uh. Jus’ a dead mouse, George. I didn’t kill it. Honest! I found it. I found it dead.’” This quote shows that Lennie doesn’t understand that keeping a dead mouse as a pet is not sanitary and not the right thing to do. Another time, George was exclaiming to Slim that he once told Lennie to jump into the Sacramento River and there Lennie went, right into the river. This trait of Lennie’s effects the story because it got him and George kicked out of Weed when he wanted to feel a girl’s dress. It also got him into trouble when they got to their new job. His unintelligence gets him into more trouble as the story goes on making him anything but a sympathetic character. Another trait of Lennie’s is that he is often forgetful, he can’t even remember anything that was told to him twenty seconds before. “‘You remember where we’re goin’ now?’ Lennie looked startled and then in embarrassment hid his face against his knees. ‘I forgot again.’” This quote shows that George repeatedly tells Lennie things but he forgets them from one minute to the next. This happened several times such as the time when he forgot how he got kicked out of Weed. This trait effects Lennie because he often forgets important …show more content…

In the beginning he was forgetful and made many mistakes and by the end he was about the same. Throughout the entire book Lennie doesn’t learn from his mistakes as he keeps getting in trouble. At the beginning of the book, he was forgetful and he continues not to remember anything as the story goes on, this got him into trouble multiple times throughout the book. Sometimes he doesn’t even know what to do on his own. An example of this was when Curley was punching him, he needed instructions on what to do. Lennie never grows throughout the book, and this affects him because he needed to change for the better to begin with and he didn’t which lead him to many

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