Luke Skywalker's Passion

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Passion is fickle
There is a great social pressure to find your “passion” or “purpose” ,like it’s something that is assigned to you at birth, and then to pursue this passion beyond all else. This is a lie we tell the children to keep them happy. In a galaxy far far away Luke Skywalker was born with the passion and talent to defeat the Sith and bring balance to the Force. But we don’t live in that galaxy we live on Earth, and on Earth good does not always defeat evil, and no one is born into this world with a hidden purpose that needs to be found. People need to stop searching for their passions because it’s not necessary for success.
People often ask how to find their passion, like it’s a misplaced wallet. They ask this like they don’t know what their passion is, but the problem is they already know what their …show more content…

In this show Kevin Stacey’s character, Francis Underwood, often talks about how most people’s passion is becoming wealthy, but his passion is becoming powerful. Throughout the show he pursues his passion above all else, exactly as many “self-help” articles would have you to do. He does this and becomes miserable, stressed and alone. This is because instead of being a well-rounded person and maintaining a balance between his relationships and his passion he focuses all his energy on climbing to power. Every time he climbs up a rung on the ladder he has to step on one of his relationships to get there. By the time he is at the top he has used up all of his relationships and is completely alone. Many people would look at the president of the United States and say he is a successful man, but his tunnel vision approach to success cost him his friends, his wife and his sanity. So in this example being passionate definitely did help Francis Underwood become successful by traditional measures, but because he didn’t balance his passion with other parts of his life he was

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