Love In The Hunger Games

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What is love?
Love is a word commonly used but, unfortunately is rarely truly represented in our actions for another person especially when we say we “love” them. In our modern culture people, will tell people to prove their love however, not in ways that are truly expressing love but instead expressing lust. Many of these requests actions used to show “love” are often selfish, lustful acts. These professions of “love” often included sending sexually explicit pictures or doing sexual acts or favor for one another. However, these are not pure intentions of longing to be with another person in the unity of God, but rather selfish demands that warp the dignity of a human being and warps the original vision of love. So, they keeping following the degrading, selfish demands of their so called “lover”. These relationships often fall apart at the mentioning of a commitment to one another because their motives are not toward truly devoting their lives to one another. When ones freely love another person, give their lives to one another, even when things do not goes as planned, and never degrade or take away each other dignity and are in unity God they find the true meaning of love.
A prime example of true love is Katniss and Peeta from the Hunger Games. At first Katniss acted like she loved Peeta but Peeta truly loved her. But later on Katniss began that Peeta truly loved her and she began to realize that Peeta was the perfect match for herself
Love is not asking one’s lover to degrade themselves in any manner. Instead love is giving oneself as a gift, freely and faithful to another person in unity with God. Therefore, Katniss and Peeta are a great example of true love they gave themselves to each other freely and faithful and produce a fruitful marriage(children). Christ call us to follow his example of entrusting oneself to another as he did for us on the cross. This is true

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