The Hunger Games: Sacrifices That People Make and Relationships

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Love reminds you that nothing else matters, all you need is love, and love is what makes the world go round. I never really knew that such short, common phrases could be so harmful. Because it seems like today everyone’s just throwing around the idea that love is a Band Aid and will heal all your wounds, or that love is the one thing in life that really truly matters. Due to this, certain people can feel incomplete, and in some cases, depressed.

First I want to talk about sacrafices people tend to make for love. Acoording to an article from the Greater Good, it’s not rare for a serious relationships to require moving away from were one lives to help there partner presue a career. But moving away a is a major sacrifice; it usaly means leaving friends, family and a job. Doing this means leaving an entire life behind for one person. Although in some cases it’s understandable that one would be happy to do this for someone they deeply cared for, it should be remembered that not that many of these relashonships do not work out.

It’s hard to name a movie or book that doesn’t ending the main character finding romance. Like the hunger games. Were Katniss Everdeen survives the games, overthrows the capital. But despite everything going on in the book, like war, starvation, and many deaths, the author still manages to make a large portion of the story about her love triangle. Maybe this is the reason a lot of people feel incomplete without another person in their life. Because despite how chaotic, stressful, or fulfilled someone’s life may seem; it just doesn’t feel complete without love the problem with this is it could drive someone into an abusive or unhealthy relationship, because they think something is better than nothing. Stephanie Spielmann, a researcher from the University of Toronto, noticed this. So she conducted a survey with 153 participants. She wanted to find out if fear of loneliness was a common occurrence, so she gave them all a survey. Out of all of them,

Eleven percent feared growing old alone, seven percent feared never having

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