Love And Love In Shakespeare's Redeeming Love Angel

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In Redeeming Love Angel starts off refusing to have any hope, but after a few visits from Michael she feels herself starting to believe again and “[t]he hope she thought long-since dead was resurrected.” (199) After she and Michael are married she lives in his cabin with him and though she wants to be free from her past and pretend those horrible things hadn’t happened “[t]hey had, and they left deep, raw, gaping wounds. Even when the wounds healed, there were scars.” (254) These scars remind her of how awful her life was and make her hesitant to hope for something better. Michael can see her struggling to forgive herself and be hopeful, therefore, since they are married and he knows sex was the one thing that had always caused her pain and
Her father abandons her mother and her which forces them to move into a shack by the docks on New York where her mother sells herself. Her mother becomes ill and dies, leaving her with her uncle Rab who tries to give her away. A man named Duke offers to adopt her and when Rab brings her to him Duke has Rab killed and then rapes her. After that Angel is raised as a prostitute for Duke and any of his friends. Throughout her life she was thrown into terrible situations she had no choice in. When she finally does escape “she saw clearly she had one simple choice: Go back to being a prostitute or be raped.” (48) This is pretty much her first real choice and it’s not really a choice. By this point in her life she already believes that “[w]e all just use each other in one way or another. To feel good. To feel bad. To feel nothing at all” (31) “[she] [doesn’t] even know [she’s] got a choice yet.” (150) When she meets Michael, he has to make her choice very obvious to her since she can’t seem to see that “[w]hatever anyone else has said and done to [her], it’s up to [her] now to make the decision.” (209) When Angel is considering running away because “[she] think[s] there’s only one way to go, and that’s straight downhill to hell” (150), Michael tells her that the way back to the brothel she worked in is “thirty miles, uphill all the way, and Magowan and the Duchess are waiting for you at the end of it” (162) while home is “one mile downhill” (162) and it has “fire food and [him].” (162) He leaves her there and she’s forced to finally make a decision that actually matters. Now that she can see her choices clearly laid out beside her, she choices to go home. This is the beginning of her making choices to better her life since she now sees she can

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