Love A Dog Essay

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Are you a dog lover? If yes, then this article is for you. There are some of us who simple love dogs. And by that I mean we love dogs more than human beings! It's rightly said - A dog is a man's best friend. No matter whom you are, what you do or how you look like, a dog will never judge you. Instead, you can de-stress with your pet whenever you are going through a tough time. Research studies have shown that dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression as compared to people without pets. It has been found that chemicals such as oxytocin are released when we play or cuddle with dogs. Whenever you're having a bad day, try to hug a dog or play with him. Within a minute, you'll forget all about your anxiety and stress. It's almost as if they have a magic wand! No matter how your day went, a dog will always welcome you home with a wagging tale, waiting to be cuddled by you.
Not only do they relieve the stress, they also contribute to your social life. A meet and greet with a person walking a dog is preferred than talking to a random stranger. You don’t have to think for topics to talk about; you can simply start the conversation by petting the dog. There are many organizations which help to build a social circuit with other fellow dog owners. They organize hiking adventures with dogs, which not only helps in the development of the dogs, but also benefits the owner, physically as well as socially. Dogs are also known to provide companionship to those who are living alone. It’s not easy if you shift to another city away from your family where you do not know anyone. In such times, keeping a pet is a great idea as you not only are able to pass time easily, but they also prove as a great buddy to you!
Dogs are also known to be ...

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...rtable around them. It requires a lot of time and patience as it is not easy to train a dog. It may take up to weeks, or even months to properly train a dog. There is also a lot of responsibility that you have to take while keeping a pet dog. Puppies due to their teething issues, chew up everything in sight, from shoes to toys. This can become very difficult to tackle if they aren’t trained at the right time. Also, keeping a dog costs a lot of money. Food, grooming, regular check-ups etc, are the major reasons why keeping a dog is nowhere near affordable.
Despite all these reasons, I believe a dog provides a lot more to you than what you expect. The simple joys of getting up every morning and cuddling him, the constant wagging of the tail, and the very real (as well as effective) puppy eyes when you’re eating food! Now who wouldn’t want to love a dog after this?

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