Pet Persuasive Speech

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Persuasive Speech

If you’re anything like me, you love looking at cute pictures of dogs on the internet, like this one, or maybe this one. Maybe you’re more of a cat person. We all know that having a furry friend in our lives can make life a bit better, but did you know that there are actually health benefits to owning these cuddly pets? I have personally experienced these many benefits with my own dog, Boo. Since my family adopted her in 2014, we have all experienced a type of absolute love that can’t be found anywhere else, along with a lot of drool. I believe that pets are an important and wonderful addition to any family and I’m going to convince you to adopt a pet of your own. I will do this by first, telling you the importance of pets, second, telling you how you can adopt a pet, and finally, telling you what would happen if you owned a pet. …show more content…

Remember all those cute animals I showed you at the beginning of this speech? Do you remember feeling adoration for that cute furry friend? You could feel like that all the time with your own pet. In fact, over half of the people in American have at least one pet and are experiencing these benefits even now (Casciotti and Zuckermann). Along with that, pets tend to do some interesting things that are both adorable and entertaining, such as a dog chasing its tail or a cat trying to catch the laser pointer. Most of all, you will now have a new friend that will love you unconditionally and may help give some of the unexpected benefits I shared with you earlier. However, owning a pet is not cheap. It can cost a lot of money to buy the pet and to provide what it needs. At the least, a pet can cost about $500 per year (“The Health Benefits and Risks of Pet Ownership”). It’s also difficult to train pets. While it isn’t impossible, it takes a lot of time, effort and possibly even money if you decide to hire a professional

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