Why It Is Important To Have A Dog

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Let's face it, dogs are pretty magical. They love us unconditionally, give us a sense of comfort, completely eradicate loneliness, and if we are good to them they are good to us ten-fold. Sound too good to be true? Well it just might be. Here are the 5 most pertinent questions to ask yourself before saying "I do" to the dog.

1. Am I allowed to have a dog in my home?

The simple thought of having a constant companion in your home is a truly soothing concept. But be sure to check with your landlady or property management company about their policy on having pets. Some places will allow you to put down a "pet deposit", which can typically be a couple of hundred dollars, in order to ensure that any potential damage done to the property will …show more content…

Since time is of the essence, do I have enough of it for your dog?

Dogs (especially puppies) are like children, so if you want to know what it's like to have kids before you actually have kids, get a dog! Canine friends require a substantial amount of your time, patience, effort, and attention. If you find yourself working late hours regularly and/or frequently traveling really ask yourself if having a dog is the best fit for you. They deserve the love and attention that they willingly give to you!

3. Do I have enough income to take care of a dog without feeling …show more content…

Am I allergic to fur?

This may sound like a silly no-brainer, but hundreds of people adopt dogs every year only to discover that they or someone in their family are allergic to fur. If you are allergic you are not alone, according to the American Kennel Club 10% of U.S. Americans are allergic to dogs. The good news is there are such thing as "hypoallergenic" dogs, although no dog is 100% hypoallergenic there are an array of breeds that do well with allergy sufferers.

5. Am I ready for a long-term commitment?

And no, I'm not talking about the marrying kind. When you get a dog you are adding a member to your family and to your heart, and according to Pet MD the average lifespan of a dog is 8-13 years. So sit down and ask yourself, what will life look like in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years? Thousands of pet owners abandon their furry friends every year due to lifestyle changes: divorce, new job, new location, illness, etc. So if you do make a choice to adopt a dog, this is a serious long-term commitment.

So you've made it through the list and asked yourself these top 5 questions, if they are all a solid yes, then my friend, it is time to find your local animal shelter and find your new long-term best friend. And remember, always adopt don't

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