Lola Monologue

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This girl name Lola plays in lol and other movies, but she is a teenager and she thinks she can do what she want’s but when she got in the that big fight with Chad because he called her a name and she didn’t like it she went after him and stared to hit him and yelled at him don’t you ever call me that again and stuff like that and her mom got called. When she came and got her, she wanted her phone and Lola said that she don’t have it but when she got a text from Emily and her mom found it and Lola tried to get it back but her mom asks her why she got in a fight with Chad and she said he’s not my Chad no more mom and her mom’s like why and Lola said do you have to know everything mom and Anna said yes I do if you want your phone back and …show more content…

Then when Friday came her mom went somewhere else with her dad (with Lola’s dad) and Lola’s grandma stayed there with Lola and her brother and sister and that night was the party and that is the first time Lola and Kyle kissed. Lola didn’t know that her mom was coming home the next day but when she walked in the house her mouth dropped to the grown and she yelled Lola come here and Lola had to pick the big mess up by herself and then she is grounded for 1 hole month. Then Kyle text her and said I had fun last night at the party and Lola text back and ya me to and that Is when they started dating and then her mom’s boyfriend gave her mom something for Lola like what should I do to get her to stop what she is doing that is not good for her. Lola’s mom came in to her room and ask her are you friends going with you to Paris and Lola said yes does that mean I can go and her mom said yes and then like a week later she gets ready to go to Paris and yes that is kind of what happened and when she got back Kyle had a concert so they went to that and his dad went to it and support him and Kyle’s band win and that was the

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