Molly Bloom Monologue

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“Do you realize you were charged with operating an illegal gambling business”. A game of gambling, bargaining and under the table risks, all based on the true story of Molly Bloom, an olympic-class skier just shy of reaching the olympics. Set in New York City, in the same suite every Tuesday night cards and chips are dealt in thousands to and from Hollywood stars, all built using not much more than Molly’s wits. What all started as fun and games turned into nothing but an indictment. The only way for complete immunity is to give up all her hard drives. Will she sell out everyone else involved or stick to her word to tell the court “everything about me, and only me”? The trailer for the upcoming drama filled film: Molly’s Game, set to premiere on November 22nd, is successful in grabbing a viewer’s interest through voice over narration, intense tone, and repetitive flashbacks to specific scenes where the conversation of the scenes develop throughout the trailer to establish potential pivotal scenes within the film. …show more content…

The narration throughout the trailer paves a path for viewers of the story that we will be following during the film. Knowing that this movie is an autobiography, “This is a true story, but except for my own I’ve changed all the names.” puts viewers in a set viewpoint and perspective, her own. BEcause the readers are all absorbing the story through her own perspective they get to understand exactly what she was experiencing without having to assume her position on certain aspects. The narration throughout the trailer tells the plots outline - giving viewers a taste of the film while leaving them wanting more; wanting to find out how Bloom pulled this million dollar under the table charade

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