Letter To MTT: A Short Note On Anxiety

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Dear MTT, Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I have so much I want all of you to know, but there is just not enough time, space or words to being to say all of it. Just thinking about all I want to say and what I am thankful for is making me cry. Everyone in MTT has done so much for me and it is truly amazing. As I am sure many of you know or have figured out, is that I have anxiety and I’m not talking about the average anxiety that comes with being in highschool, I’m talking about regular panic attacks and mental breakdowns. What you many not know is that because of my anxiety I am very shy. It may not come off that way but I am. Despite that, here I am at MTT ready to sing and dance on stage. It has not been me that has change myself, it was all of you. …show more content…

As we were approaching tech week I was already getting sad to leave the cast, thinking I would have to wait a long time untill I get to work with a group as amazing as they were and will always be. I had been thinking about that for a few days, when Tess approached me during Chinese and asked me if I was auditioning for MTT after school that day. I don’t remember what I said to Tess, but I spent the rest of the day debating if I should and being extremely stressed out about it. Then it was after school and I found myself outside R100 thinking it would be a good way to spend more time with people from fall play two. At the audition, I almost cried several time because I could not sing or dance so I had no clue what I was doing, but by some miracle I got through it. Looking back I know it was not a miracle but the positivity, help and support from everyone

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