Lennie Killing In Of Mice And Men

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The Killing of the Sick: Is it Murder? Every year, over one hundred and thirty thousand people die every year from mercy killing around the world. In the novel Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, The main character, Lennie, has a mental issue. He cannot remember certain thoughts and gets scared easily. He travels with his friend, George to find a job at a new ranch. When he was frightened and accidently killed the boss of the ranch’s son’s wife. George and the other ranch workers decided enough was enough and George put Lennie out of his misery and away from his disease. George killing Lennie was mercy killing and not murder because Lennie was mentally sick, where his disease had no cure. George ended the suffering for Lennie and the other workers at the ranch. One way that it was euthanasia, or mercy killing, to kill Lennie was because Lennie’s disease makes him not able to think straight and he cannot remember an enormous amount of what people tell him and what he does and says. …show more content…

As mentioned before, a millionaire was convicted of murdering her son, but it was not murder. She killed her son to one, keep her husband from being abusive, two, to keep her son from being abused, and three, to end his suffering from autism, and incurable disease that would take his life eventually. Mercy killing is first off a way to end someone’s life because they are suffering from a disease or there is just a problem that could affect them later in life. People usually do it to diseases like Alzheimer's disease, autism, and severe cancers that there is no cure for. It is just for the greater good. Murder is killing someone intentionally, whether it is of hate, revenge, being a paid assassin, or just being part of a group that kills people. It makes life worse for everybody, but the murderer. Euthanasia is making it better for people. Clearly a huge difference between the

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