Leading By Example Essay

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What does it mean to lead by example? When people lead by example, they become a person others want to follow. Taking responsibility for your actions is leading by example. It is this because you are taking responsibility for your actions, which encourages kids and other people to do the same. Inspire people to be just like you. Teach and use teamwork so they can learn to do the same. Following the 10 commandments is a good example. Like number nine thou shalt not bear false witnesses which means do not tell lies about other people that is not leading by example. Honor thy father and thy mother meaning respect your parents because if you were to act out in public and younger kids seen you they might think it’s ok and try to act badly and …show more content…

Like this one “my responsibility is getting all my players playing for the name on the front of the jersey, not the one on the back.” The quote is written by an unknown person but it is a good example of leading by example. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18 meaning if there is no one to, lead by example then there is no one for them to follow. “Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better” I really like this one because it is saying that if you take leadership and try to lead by example then you unlock that person's potential to be a better …show more content…

If you are making fun of a person for being different others are likely to follow. If you make fun of other people or you judge them, then that may hurt the other person's feelings. But if you are nice to that person and treat them kindly others might follow and do the same. They could become more confident in their self just because you encouraged others to treat them equally. That's why you need to be nice to others i'm sure they would greatly appreciate it too. See, now you know why leading by example is so important. You could really change someone's life. You could even make someone a better person. Think about it and watch what you're doing people are watching you and are learning from you so at least try to lead by example. It’s worth

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