Leadership In Lord Of The Flies

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In this novel lord of the flies William Golding the author made it obvious for all the readers to see that there is civilization in this book. There is no adult with the children so there is no one to really guide the children. Therefore, the boys need to choose a leader even though they don’t know what it takes to be a leader they still need one to guide them. The children pick ralph to be their leader because he is the oldest out of all the boys and he knows the most. The boys take stuff from the island to represent power such as the head of a pig or the conch shell. In the beginning of this novel when a group of schoolboy’s plane crashes on a deserted island. Ralph which is one of the school boys finds the conch shell and another one …show more content…

The conch calls everyone out of a meeting from the other side of the island. Although Jack and Ralph have disagreements in the middle of the story jack leaves the group and tries to start a new tribe. Jack finds the head of a pig and cuts it off and puts it in the tree for the beast to show the children that the beast is not real and never was real. Jack finally starts a tribe of his own and leaves ralph and the other boys that didn’t want to go with him. The boys hear noises in the night of growling but doesn’t know what it is and are scared to find out. They think they see a boat and try to start a fire but it was just all in their heads. When the boys return from their expedition, Ralph calls a meeting and attempts to set rules of order for the island. Jack agrees with Ralph, for the existence of rules means the existence of punishment for those who break them, but Piggy reprimands Jack for his lack of concern over long-term issues of survival. Ralph proposes that they build a fire on the mountain which could signal their presence to any passing ships. The boys start building the fire, but the younger boys lose interest when

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