Conflict In Lord Of The Flies Chapter 2 Essay

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The conflict arises between the Jack and Piggy in Chapter 2. Ralph blows a conch which is Shell for a call to the boys. Ralph wants share what he, Simon, and Jack discovered, he told them they were obviously on an island because they were on top of mountain, water was on every side of all angels, they saw no, houses, smoke, no boats, no people. There was adults to help them. Jack saw a pig and was hunting it down, but got away. Ralph tells the boys that they should have meetings and if they want to share or express their idea they must raise their hands just like when they are at school and will get to hold the conch while speaking,piggy grabs the conch from ralph and then at the same time Jack agreeing with Ralph. Piggy says that no one know where they …show more content…

Ralph answers and says that there is no “Beastie” they little boy must had a nightmare. Jack grabs the conch and states that, he and his hunters will make sure there is no “snake-thing” he said they will look for it when hunting for the pigs. Ralph grabs the conch and says again there is no beast and gets annoyed. He tells the boys they want to have fun but at the same time get rescued, he’s says they might get rescued by his father's ship possibly since he’s in the navy.Ralph says they should start a signal fire on top of the mountain in order to get rescued. The boys started following Jack, Ralph and Piggy were left alone , Ralph still holds the conch and tries to call the boys back but they don't listen to him.Ralph follows the other boys and Piggy was left alone with the conch. Piggy is disappointed with Ralph and the boys for acting like a bunch of kids. The rest boys are on top of the mountain gating logs and sticks into a pile to start the fire. Jack and Ralph found themselves in a situation they don't know how to light a fire. Jack grabs Piggy’s glasses off his face and they started the fire. The fire grows and more wood was added and they dance around then get tired and it goes mostly

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