Lar Gosling Sparknotes

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Lars Lindstrom is comfortable in almost complete isolation. His only human interaction is with his coworkers, members of his small church, and his brother’s family, with whom he lives on their property in an old reinvented garage. Lars, played by the handsome Ryan Gosling, instantly evokes the audience to love him in a dorky unconventional kind of way. His handsome looks asides, there is something not entirely right about this man Gosling is portraying. Lars seems to have deep emotional baggage that is kept secret to the audience until later in the film. Consequently, this baggage has rendered him dysfunctional, and has left him without fully engaging in communication or in life experiences with others.
Years go by, and Lars has still failed to communicate with hardly anyone. He uses tactics such as short answers and negative body language to shelter himself from the people he is forced to come in contact with. By this time the audience is confused by this man and his solitary life. He …show more content…

His brother, Gus, and his sister-in-law, Karen, are thrilled that Lars has finally started to communicate with people. Lars introduces Bianca to Gus and Karen, and both are speechless. They don't know what to say to Lars or Bianca, because Bianca is a life-size doll. Lars goes on to treat Bianca as if she were a real person, all the while, encouraging Gus and Karen to accept his new friend. Gus and Karen are highly disturbed by Lars behave and the way he is pretending Bianca can understand and speak to him. The audience is also highly disturbed at this point in the film. Is Lars going to turn into a psychopathic maniac? Rest assured, he does not. Gus and Karen then go to consult the family doctor, Dagmar, who explains that Lars has developed a delusion--for what reason she doesn't yet know, but the entire community should all go along with it for the time being. She tells them that Bianca is in town for a

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