Oskar Schell's Journey In Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close Essay

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“It hurts to let go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on.” -Unknown
September 11, 2001: a day that took over 2,500 innocent lives of men, women and children. A day we will never forget. The day Oskar Schell loses his father in the novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. In this novel Foer explores the life of nine- year- old Oskar Schell as he embarks on a journey that will take him through the five boroughs of New York City. On this journey he will experience pain, grief, alienation, friendship, forgiveness, and love. Foer uses enlightening point-of-views, real life imagery, and forlorn tone to tell this heartfelt story. Foer dives into the life of a little boy who had to grow up way too fast. Oskar has to experience things most people do not go through until they are older. He has to learn to accept what is, he has to leave his comfort zone, and he has to realize that his best friend—his father, is not coming back.
In the beginning of the novel Oskar is an open wound. He feels alienated, he hurts, …show more content…

He learns what it means to be a friend, to have a friend, to be alienated and in pain. All of these integral pieces help Oskar find out who he really is: a little boy who is misunderstood because people cannot fathom his curiosity, his intelligence, and the love for his dad. Another novel related to Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. This is the story of a teenage girl, who, after being raped and murdered, watches from her personal Heaven as her family and friends struggle to move on with their lives while she comes to terms with her own death. These two books relate because both of the families lost someone who was very close to them. They are grieving and having a hard time facing the fact that their loved one is not coming back. The two authors beautifully executed the novels with their point-of-views, imagery, and tone, making the story hard to

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