Lady Macbeth Research Paper

765 Words2 Pages

Anam Javed
Brandi Tauchert
British literature
24 October 2016

This is always been in a history that women are lesser then men, but the reality is they are like two wheels of the car .Behind every successful man, is his woman .They both have to work together to achieve their goals. Women balance men’s life, they both are incomplete without each other, just like Macbeth needs Lady Macbeth help to commit King Duncan murder. He knows this very well that he is less of a man. Lady Macbeth is the great example of how women can manipulate man that inspire him to become a king
Patriotic society controlled by man , in order to do evil Lady Macbeth has to become a man "Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty! Make think my blood."Lady Macbeth has decided. In order to do evil she has to be unsexed. This shows the role of women. Lady Macbeth is describing as women I am not powerful enough to do what …show more content…

She is not the ultimate reasons behind the tradgedy.witches are the one who started the idea of killing king Duncan and becoming the king. The play was written in the time where woman were considered lesser then a man. They cannot have status in their lives unless they were born wealthy or marry someone rich, like Lady Macbeth married Macbeth. I believe this tragedy would not have happen if woman have the same right as man. .If Lady Macbeth could achieve power by herself she would not have to maupulate Macbeth to kill king Duncan. Witches were all females, this tragedy only happen because men have more power and rights than women. Their rights were denied. In the play Macbeth the witches are describes as weird ugly sister. May be there rights were denied and they turn evil because they have no other choice to maupulate other people and lead them to the wrong

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