Lab Report Osmosis Egg

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Osmosis Egg Lab Report Vinegar: Weight before submersion: 2.2g - Circumference before submersion: 15.2 cm Before the egg was submerged, it appeared as a typical egg with an average weight and size. When placed into the vinegar, no immediate changes or effects were noticeable. Later, after 24 hours the egg had changed significantly. The colour of the egg was much more yellow, and had noticeably increased in size. Almost the entire shell dissolved into the vinegar. One part of the egg, which had not been sunken into the vinegar, still had an area of shell still attached. The texture of the egg was very rubbery. Maple Syrup: Weight before: 2.9g – Circumference before: 16.9 cm Twenty four hours after being put into the syrup, the egg seemed a great deal browner, as well as the yolk was almost completely visible from the outside. This was probably because the egg absorbed the syrup and expelled a bit of the contents originally inside. The egg also appeared deflated, and no shell or hard material was containing the insides, apart from a thin transparent membrane. …show more content…

This is when a substance passes through a membrane and settles itself there to create a thicker substance, while some of the substances that were already within the membrane in the first place are ejected. This is represented in this experiment at first when we placed the egg in the vinegar. The vinegar dissolved the shell and allowed some of the vinegar to pass through, slightly increasing the weight and size. Afterwards, we put the egg into the syrup. Since syrup is extremely thick, little could get through the membrane, and therefore caused the egg to look deflated. The most evident process of osmosis was when we finally submerged the egg in water. Since water isn’t as thick as syrup, it passed through the membrane much more effortlessly and essentially filled it up and stretched the casing, representing the process of

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