Kingdom Woman Essay

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Kingdom Woman is about women embracing their purpose, power, and possibilities here on earth. I would recommend this book to all women out there looking to find God and their selves. The first few chapters are about our faith, hope, confidence, and perfection. We are all strong, capable, giving full of our seasons. Most women set their standards really high but in gods eyes it’s not high enough. Women have a lot on their plate. They have a house to clean, dinner to prepare, clothes to wash, and our jobs contain so much and sometimes we get over whelmed. Sometimes we want to give up but God doesn’t give up on us when we are not being fair to him. As a woman we have more responablilites than many may think. Now don’t get bored and stop reading …show more content…

“The primary influence in a kingdom woman’s life is God. His voice is the loudest. He is the one she seeks to please.” Now reading this book I have learned not to try and please everyone. It says not to try to please everyone but to push harder and harder each day to please our Gods Kingdom destiny or you is to view yourself as a superwoman who has to do it all own her own. When your day comes to stand before God he want just ask you how much you have done for him but how excellent it was. Did you give God all of your leftovers or did you give you all? Did you have so much to do in your day that you forgot to thank him for letting you wake up and have that day? How far did you go in your day without God or did you walk with him all day to make your day easier? So many questions to be ask but only you can decided your faith and you relationship with God. Don’t just praise him on Sunday then go back to our shellfish ways but praise him throughout every day and love him every second of your day. “God wants you to raise a higher standard. He desires excellence in all you do.” Excellence is our aim as a Kingdom

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