Padaung Women Essay

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Along the border of Burma and Thailand, the “giraffe women” of the Karen tribe are known for their utilization of brass rings to extend the length of their neck. The Karen people live beside the Pai River, which divides Burma and Thailand. Within the Karen people, there is a subgroup of women known as the Padaung. Recognizable around the world for their wildly elongated necks, the Padaung women have practiced this custom for centuries. Although the reasoning for adorning their necks in this unique jewelry has changed throughout the years, the Padaung continue to carry out this tradition today. Starting at the age of five or six, young Padaung girls receive their first ring, which is a long, brass coil about four inches tall. After receiving their first ring, the coils are described as being “....added sporadically until a limit of 21-25 is reached”. Although in some cases women have exceeded this limit, for example, “The record, according to one village woman, is 28 brass rings” (Gluckman). Initially, the collar weighs about four and a half pounds, but as rings are added, it can weigh up to 22 pounds. Over time, the weight of these coils can become strenuous and cause damage to the body.
The elongation of these women's necks is actually an illusion created by the rings; their necks are not any longer than …show more content…

On the other hand, others wore the collar because they believed it symbolized wealth and beauty. Additionally, some of the Padaung women believed that wearing the rings would prevent tigers from biting their necks. When the practice first began, only specific women were allowed to wear the coils, “Traditionally, it was only the Padaung girls born on a Wednesday of a full moon who were destined to wear the coils” (Women of the). However as the Padaung women became a popular attraction, more women began to wear the rings to supply for tourist

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