Women, Church God Analysis

1021 Words3 Pages

In Women, Church, God: A Socio-Biblical Study, Caleb Rosado uses a socio-biblical approach to discuss the role of women in the church today and how they were treated in the Bible, during the patriarchal times. Rosado looks at the connection between what people believe now, their culture, and how they treat women in regards to how one perceives God. This book contains ten chapters in which several topics are discussed, including the nature of God, the treatment of women in the Bible, patrimonialism, servitude, and servanthood.
Rosado starts out in his first chapter saying that one cannot question women related to the church unless one has a correct understanding of how one perceives God. The Bible clearly shows that in order to know God one must get to know Jesus Christ, because He shows humanity God’s true and loving character. In addition, Rosado points out that the way one was raised ultimately affects one’s picture of God. In addition, the judgments and experiences of present-day Christians are based on the culture of today, which affects their interpretation of Bible passages.
In the next chapter, he explains what patrimonialism was during Jesus’ time of patriarchy. Not only did Jesus come to show God’s character, but He also came to challenge the patriarch system by letting people know that in His kingdom everyone will be equal, because everyone is a child of God. Rosado shows that Christ discussed this topic with the Sadducees, regarding the levirate law, and He also brought about different reforms. Jesus ultimately challenged us, and showed that, through His life and death, we will all be equal again one day; He has a better way, which he wants to show us.
As Rosado continues, he discusses servitude and servanthood. Ser...

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... better support his claims. Lastly, the author could have tied the book a little better, in his conclusion, to the overall theme of women, the Church and God.
Regardless of its weaknesses, the book Women, Church, God, by Rosado, is a great socio-biblical study on how women were treated in a patriarchal society, how Jesus lovingly treated them, and reading it is a great way to learn more about who God is. This book is written for the average Christian, or Seventh-day Adventist, as well as for Biblical scholars; it will help these audiences better understand these topics, and help them form an opinion about many controversial topics in Christian society today, such as women’s ordination and the church. This book provides a satisfying journey, full of many Biblical examples of Christ’s love for His Church, and treatment of women; it is an excellent book worth reading.

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