Kamoi Kakoshi History

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History of mt
Kamoi Kakoshi was founded in 1923. It started specialised on the manufacturing of masking tape out of traditional “Washi paper”. Kamoi Kakoshi soon became well-known for its masking tape as it can be removed easily without leaving any traces. The tape was initially used in lacquering workshops such as vehicles and furnitures only.The birth of MT began with a discreet email that arrived in the company in 2006. It was written by enthusiasts of the masking tape who used the tape for decorative purposes and wanted to tour around factory. Soon after they have visited the factory, they designed a book by using the masking tape. The fantastic designs broke the perception that the tapes can only be used for industrial use. The development of MT started when Kamoi Kakoshi started producing colour masking tapes. (What’s mt) The name “MT” is conceived from the word “Masking Tape”, and it is the pioneer batch that created tape made from Washi paper. (What’s mt) By using Washi paper, MT tape can be cut at ease using bare hand. Although it is made from paper, the tape itself has strength to closely fit to any objects that the consumers want to design or decorate.

Success of mt
MT first started producing different colours and patterns masking tape that can be used for decorative purposes. It became popular after Kamoi presented new ideas of the tape on the “mt Expo” in Shibuya and use the tape for the walls and furnitures. The interior design for the exhibitions and stores draws people attention. Due to the colourful and bright interior, many people took pictures and uploaded it online. This helps MT to advertise for its company.

MT uses a serif typeface and uses black colour as their logo’s typeface to show that it is a c...

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... as the most creative brand that other brands have never achieve. It started using different colour tapes produced by themselves to design their stores since the beginning of MT. Customers can actually identify MT with the word “washi” tape. Using bright and colourful washi tape for its store interior design gives consumers an impression that MT is young and creative brand. Besides that, it also helps to create an unique experience for its consumers. And through their stores and exhibition, it clearly shows that MT is actively encouraging its consumers to be creative. The brand, particularly through social media and video advertisings draw consumers attention to their product – washi tape, and creates intimacy with its consumers by evoking friendly and fun experiences with the brand. The brand itself also invites people to be creative while using the MT washi tape.

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