Juvenile Justice Commission Essay

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In the state of New Jersey, there are many facilities and programs that accommodate juveniles such as the Union County Juvenile Detention Center and the Morris County Juvenile Detention Center, but the one that I have gotten to explore and know the most in terms of their mission and what they value is the Juvenile Justice Commission. The Juvenile Justice Commission (JJC) is a commission that emphasizes and promotes accountability and offers programs that allows young adults to grow up and become independent, productive law abiding citizens. The JJC was established in 1995 by regulation to lead the reform of the juvenile justice system in the state of New Jersey and to respond to findings of the Governor’s Advisory Council on juvenile justice which reported a lack of centralized authority for planning, policy development and service provision in the juvenile justice system. The JJC is the single agency of state government with centralized authority for planning, policy development and …show more content…

All facilities provide annual education focused toward obtaining high school diplomas and GED or college credit. JJC also provides religious opportunities, such as a church in the facility, as well as group and individual counseling, drug and alcohol treatment, physical education, family life and health education and post-release planning. The secure care facilities that are provided are The Juvenile Medium Security Facility (JMSF), The Female Secure Care and Intake Facility and The New Jersey Training School (NJTS) in Jamesburg, which is where I am currently interning. The New Jersey Training School (NJTS) is a male only juvenile prison and the Juvenile Justice Commission's largest facility currently housing approximately 200 male

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