Khabir London Case

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IV. KHABIR GADSON IS A PROPER PERSON TO BE REHABILITATED IN A JUVENILE FACILITY Khabir was only 16 years old at the time of the offense, on the midrange of the age range for typical juvenile offenders. As discussed above, that also means that Khabir is still in the process of brain development, which would impact his ability to make good judgments or resist peer pressure. These characteristics of youth are exacerbated in Khabir’s case because of his mental health issues. Khabir has proved that he amendable to treatment and excels in a highly structured environment. Since his placement in the Juvenile Detention Center since July 2015, Khabir has exhibited positive growth. He is currently at level three, the highest level a juvenile can be in the Juvenile Detention Center, and is performing well in school. He has also resumed mental health treatment and medication. …show more content…

The Department of Juvenile Justice is a secure juvenile and young adult facility that utilizes a balance approach to rehabilitate youth offenders. DJJ uses a conceptual framework with three components that provide (1) control of a juvenile's liberty through secure confinement and/or community supervision to ensure public safety; (2) a structured system of incentives and graduated sanctions in both institutional and community settings to ensure accountability for the juvenile's actions, (3) and a variety of services and programs that builds skills and competencies (e.g., substance abuse treatment, support for academic and vocational education, anger management classes) to enable the juvenile to become a law-abiding member of the community upon release from DJJ's

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