Judy Brady's Oppression Of Women

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Inherent differences between the sexes assign women in patriarchal societies into a disparaging, separate class from men. Male standards dictate that woman’s individual traits are meaningless. Oppression of women in male dominant societies reduces them to their ability as mothers and wives. Resisting patriarchal oppression by expressing idiosyncrasies often results in persecution, ridicule, and labeling women as undesirable. Oftentimes, the restraint and maltreatment of diverse womanhood leads to a lower quality of life for women, unhappiness in marriage, and impedes romantic and sexual intimacy. Many feminist works of literature illustrate how punishing unique behaviors and suppressing their personalities women into a class removed from and second to men. Her ability to care, both for her husband and her children, is a woman’s sole value in a patriarchy. Childbirth and rearing stand as one …show more content…

While these traits in a woman are positive, isolating those traits as a woman’s core value in society sets them apart from men. Judy Brady satirizes the divide between men and women by emphasizing the duties men expect women to wholly take care of. Patriarchies expect women to “make sure [the] children eat properly and are kept clean... wash the children's clothes and keep them mended… [arrange] for their schooling, [make] sure that they have an adequate social life with their peers... care [for] the children when they are sick… [arrange] to be around when the children need special care” alongside doting over their husbands wants and needs (Brady 345). Patriarchies breed a toxic masculinity that prevents men from exploring “feminine” aspects of their personality, as well as women from exploring “masculine” aspects. Men doing anything a

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