Joining The Navy Research Paper

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Some people ask me why I would want to join the Navy when I can make good money being a civilian. I could never really come up with one reason why I chose to join the navy. To be honest, it’s a lot of reason that all boils down to the fact that I want to make a difference. My parents were able to relocate here after the Vietnam War thanks to the generosity of the American people. Serving in the Navy as an engineer officer would let me return the favor and also to put my degree to use in defending this country that I was born in and love. Specifically, the military has always been a part of my childhood. Because my dad was in the South Vietnamese Air Force, I would listen to my dad tell stories about his time in the military (he served when he was 18 years old for 7 years in the SVNAF) and watching those World War 2 movies like The Longest Day or Saving Private Ryan growing up. …show more content…

He was one of those guys in the logistics unit. I am grateful he wasn’t a frontline soldier because without him I would not have become the person I am today. Those memories with my dad strengthen my desire to join the military and to give back to this country. My dad always instills in his children that when we become successful, we must always be a good citizen and give back to this country for letting the Vietnamese people come live here. I have always had a sense of duty and felt the call to serve. Being the first in my family to be a navy officer is a great honor and I take great pride in accomplishing that goal. Being a young guy, just out of college, I wanted an adventure. I want to experience the world and I travel to other countries while serving my country. Being in the navy gives me that especially in the civil engineering Corps. I can do humanitarian projects and show others that America is always there to help in times of needs. I want to prove people that I can make it. To prove something of

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