Don T Belong Research Paper

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Belongingness: the human emotional need to be an accepted member of a group. Many people argue whether humans need to belong or not however there are many reasons why they should. Belongingness, also commonly referred to as connectedness, is extremely important in a teenagers life and if one doesn't feel like he belongs he/she may become less engaged in school and not as social. Also the feeling of not belonging can increase the chances of an individual becoming depressed. Another reason why humans should feel like they belong is because if not many can feel suicidal and might act upon it. Belongingness is a necessary human emotion that everyone should experience. The sense of belonging in a school is extremely important and can even improve the academic success of a student. Many students who feel as if they don't belong lack the same charismatic as others and may not get as good grades. Also people who don't belong are often not as social as most and are usually outcast and don't have many friends which is another extremely important aspect of life. …show more content…

Studies have show that many people who have high sense of belonging are connected to a lower level depression and loneliness and once they begin to suffer from depression it becomes even harder to be social and accepted. Usually when people come across positive social interactions they feel as if they belong however when someone suffers from depression they don't recognize they're being accepted and often fail to satisfy their need for belonging in relationships and usually have less intimate relationships. Research has found that people with depression and don't feel as if they belong are more likely to burden suicidal thoughts and may even act upon

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