Irregular Warfare And Terrorism Essay

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“The trouble is that a praise worthy quest for precision can descend into a flattering of tidy minds at the cost of a realistic grasp of the complexity and interconnectedness that is the story of strategic history.” Colin Gray warns in the opening sentences of the chapter “Irregular Warfare and Terrorism” in his book Another Bloody Century of the dangers of oversimplifying the categories of warfare. To look at warfare as either regular or irregular without being absolutely clear on the definitions of each and the context in which the terms are used is fruitless. Regular forces have been known to use irregular type tactics just as irregular forces have used conventional warfare to reach their political goals. It is imperative then, that the U.S. military forces are trained to fight wars falling on a spectrum of warfare and educated to distinguish the type of war they face. In order to protect national security interests as outlined in the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review, the U.S. armed forces must rebalance and be capable of conducting operations across the spectrum of conflict in order to win against both a regular and irregular adversary, combating a wide scope of tactics and strategies ranging from terror tactics to full scale, multi-phased conflict against a peer or near peer by maximizing the capability of the force and nation.
When comparing and contrasting U. S. military operations and capabilities with regard to regular versus irregular warfare it is important to understand the definition of irregular and the spectrum of conflict. In recent history, the term “irregular warfare” has been used interchangeably with or alongside insurgency and counterinsurgency warfare. This usage and comparison is too narrow. ...

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... range of problems and conflict. Special operations units will also focus on defeating irregular threats such as Al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations along with building partner capacity and capability. Special operations units will also focus on the prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (low end) and cyber defense. Finally, the force will be able to assist partner nations with disaster response.
The terms irregular and regular when describing the enemy are too narrow and must be considered within the context of a full spectrum of conflict. The current QDR recognizes this requirement and clearly outlines priorities for the force to balance capabilities in order to counter both types of enemy and their tactics and strategies. The priorities for the armed forces will continue to serve policy, be it a regular or irregular threat.

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