Similarities Between Vietnam War And American War

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The world’s history is majorly shaped by mega wars that happen both inside and outside the boundaries of individual nations. Almost every sovereign state in the world had to forcefully liberate itself from its colonizers and oppressors mainly through warfare. For instance, America had to fight a long and exhausting revolutionary war against the British before it could attain its independence in 1783, likewise is the fate of many other nations. It is important to understand the two distinct types of wars that exist and their implications. Guerrilla warfare and the conventional military warfare are two types of war that are very different in their execution and military approach. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the similarities and differences existing between the American war in Vietnam and the American Revolution (Vetter, 1997).

Both the American Revolution and the American’s war against Vietnam began as a result of people trying to attain social independence and freedom from oppressive regimes. War doesn't begin just for the sake of there being war. The American’s finally decided to go to war with Britain (their colonizer) in 1772, with those hope to be delivered out of the hands of the oppressor. Similarly, …show more content…

Also, during the revolution the Americans fought to free their country from the oppression of Britain, while in the Vietnam War they used their super power position to try and stop the communist ideology from growing. During the revolution, the American’s emerged as the victors in their fight against Britain. Unfortunately victory in the war against South Vietnam did not occur. The American Revolution war lasted eight years, while, the war against the communists in South Vietnam lasted as long as twenty years (Daly & Robert,

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