Invisalign Research Paper

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Do you want a straighter smile? Improving the appearance of your smile used to mean years of unsightly metal braces, that may also cause sores and cuts to the mouth. However, thanks to advances in cosmetic dentistry, Invisalign now makes it easy to get the straighter smile you want, with discreet clear trays that are more comfortable, and less noticeable than traditional braces. At the Centre For Invisible Orthodontics, Dr. Grussmark is a certified Invisalign provider, using the latest technology in clear braces to help give you a beautiful smile.

What is Invisalign?
The process of using Invisalign trays can correct a variety of misalignment issues including underbites, and crooked teeth. During a custom designed treatment plan, a series …show more content…

Metal braces are no longer the only way to achieve a more beautiful smile. Some of the benefits of Invisalign include:

Being able to eat your favorite foods: Traditional braces use metal brackets that can easily be broken by making the wrong food choices. Invisalign trays are removable, meaning you can take them out while you eat. No more having to avoid your favorite sweets or hard vegetables. You won’t have to worry about breaking a bracket or causing damage to your braces.

Improved oral hygiene: Invisalign trays make it easy to continue practicing great oral hygiene care. You will be able to brush and floss like normal, continuing to take care of your smile to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Make sure to rinse your mouth out after eating before putting your aligners back into prevent harmful bacteria and food debris from getting trapped on the surface of your teeth.

Boost your confidence: Doing away with uncomfortable and unappealing metal work, Invisalign trays, give you the chance to get the smile you’ve always wanted without anyone evening knowing your straightening your

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