Cosmetic Dentist Essay

1021 Words3 Pages

Cosmetic Dentistry can help your Career
Your smile defines who you are. Your dental appearance plays a vital role on how clients, colleagues and customers respond to you. People with dental issues suffer a lot in their work places. Some people stay quiet because of their crooked teeth, whereas others lose self confidence because of their appearance. This directly influences a person’s career. There are some people who fear rising through the ranks on their work places because of the dentine problems. A cosmetic dentist can change how people behave towards you because of a bad dentine structure. This applies to all dentine cases ranging from broken, stained or crooked teeth. Employers and clients think a person hasn’t made any effort to change their appearance. Dental problems have made people chase away potential clients and loose opportunities during interviews, among others.
Let us start our conversation by understanding what cosmetic dentistry is all about. These are medical procedures used to rectify problems in the tooth structure or appearance. There are many remedies in the market that a person can choose to give them a good smile. However; some products don’t generate the desired results. Additionally, there are those which fail to work. Lastly, …show more content…

There are some people who lose confidence when handling various tasks due to their dentine structure or appearance. This has made them lose key opportunities in their hard worked career. Confidence is the secret behind every successful person. It helps a person secure a position after an interview. It also helps a person look forward to another working day. A cosmetic dentist can help restore your faith back. Physical appearance of a person can affect his/her self confidence. Professionals with high self confidence are likely to be elected leaders. Restore your broken confidence through cosmetic dental

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