Invasion Of Social Media's Effect On Employment

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Social media has become a huge part of our lives, nearly everyone we know uses social media nowadays, it’s become a necessity to use such networks to stay connected with friends, family and the world. It has become totally normal to share a part of our lives on such networks. We share our pictures, our personal information and our thoughts on these social media networks without even thinking twice of the affects these posts might have on our employment. This paper will talk about how Facebook posts affect on employment.

SAD Formula
This case will be analyzed based on the (SAD) formula. First I will begin with defining the situation by describing the facts of the case, and then I will identify the principles and the values, and I will be stating …show more content…

Others argue that checking social media networks is an invasion of privacy and will eventually lead to a bias decision. The manager already interviewed both applicants and already has some background information on these candidates. The fact that social media networks were checked should not affect on the decision making because what people might post on these networks doesn’t necessarily have to be the truth about the person, the first candidate seemed sociable on her account but that might not be the case in real life. Also the fact that the second applicants’ privacy was invaded makes it unethical of the manager and the intern and it comes off as an abuse of power and …show more content…


Mill believes in Utilitarianism, which is based off the greatest happiness principle that means that doing what will generate good for the greatest majority is the ethical thing to do. In this case the majority of people would agree that the invasion of privacy is wrong and thus this makes it unethical according to Mill’s ethical theory. (Aristotle)

Aristotle believes that “Virtuous acts require conscious choice and moral purpose or motivation”, In this case the manager did not have the right motivation or purpose because the invasion of privacy that happened didn’t accrue for the right reasons such as looking for illegal activates but rather to make a decision on which candidate to pick based on their Facebook posts which is not the ethical way to hire people. Aristotle would have viewed these actions as

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