Analysis Of The Poem Next To Of Course God America I

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The poem “next to of course god america i” written by E.E. Cummings is a poem based on nationalism of America by its patriotic people and what they are capable of sacrificing for it. This interpretation is drawn from the fact that the narrator of the poem seems to be a cheerful patriot who praises America several times throughout the poem and seems to be trying to motivate the reader to agree with what he says. Although the poem is mostly about nationalism and serving your country by blindly obeying you patriotic and nationalistic feelings for the United States there is a sense of proudness to it all. Therefore, it makes the poem appear to be a patriotic piece of literature. However, a deeper analysis of this poem demonstrates that perhaps the real reason E. E. Cummings wrote this poem was to express his negative opinions of patriotism and of the United States involvement in war. The poem starts with the line “next to of course god america I” which when read from the patriot's point of view means that he is prioritizing his love for America after God before anything even himself (1). However, the fact that God and …show more content…

Cummings makes the patriot sound ignorant since in line six the patriot seems to believe that “deafanddumb” is a language. In line seven and eight the patriot states that honor will be reclaimed by the sons of dead soldiers and Cummings uses censored slang to express how foolish that idea is. If lines nie and ten are read using the patriot's perspective it seems that the patriot is complementing the young soldiers who are willing to die for their country. However, another interpretation might be that lines nine and ten are sarcastic and that instead of complementing the soldiers it is saying that sending young soldiers to a war in which they will likely die is a horrible thing to do even if they are willing to go and

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