Ede Cummings Essay Writing

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Edward Estlin Cummings, abbreviated to E. E. Cummings, although he was more popularly known in all lowercase letters as e. e. cummings, was an admirably influential American poet, author, playwright, and essayist. His renowned experimentation with poetic form and language in order to create his own personal style is his most prominent accomplishment. Often, he revamped and combined words to create new ones of his own style and in his own likeness. Cummings also bent grammatical and linguistic rules to accomplish his own purposes; he incorporated the usage of words like “if” and “because” as nouns, something odd and unheard of in his time period. He was first sneered at, jeering faces refusing to accept his twisted style as poetry, but quickly his work rose to such a revered status that it shone alongside the ubiquitous writings of the great Robert Frost. The entire collection of Cummings work includes a huge number of approximately 2900 poems, as well as several novels, and countless diary entries of eloquence and skill from even the earliest years of his childhood. E. E. Cummings was, in truth, a genius, for he spent his time inventing new ways of arranging poetry in certain line types, intercepting idea with parentheses and writing backwards and in spiraling loops to emphasize his intricately concealed main points. In his time, this was extremely uncouth and unheard of, and as he steadily grew to become a famous name worldwide, more wanted to read his works. The underlying meanings in his poems were so obscure, it was hard to see past them the very first time one laid eyes on them, as it was to see past the psychical barriers E. E. Cummings hid behind when in public, and sometimes even with those he truly cared about. This sec...

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...est for the finalists, and was satisfied with the fact that I had tried my hardest and put forth my best effort. Though I was not the champion, I did not wish misfortune upon those who bested me; I respected and admired their abilities instead.

8. E. E. Cumming’s left lasting impressions on the lives of both people in his time and in our time. At the time of the Korean War, he dedicated his poetry to promoting anti-war. This became a driving forces for many in the 1960's, a time of peace and war protests. His writings, preserved by his parents and dear friends, dated back to his earliest childhood moments up until his final moments when he was on his deathbed. His poetry had meaningful, underlying meanings that required a deep understanding to grasp. His messages forver will continue to influence our generation and many to come, for his ideas are universal and pure.

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