Instagram Influencers In Modern Society

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Instagram--God's greatest gift, or worst nightmare in different people's eyes. There has been a growing controversy over whether or not Instagram is considered beneficial or harmful in today's developing society. Regardless, there are multiple types of Instagram users in the world, each one just as unique as the next. The most prominent types include: the influencer, the memer, the high schooler, and the aesthete. The Instagram Influencer can be seen quite repeatedly across one's feed because of the internet's obsession with discovering new users to praise. Normally, these people are considered Instagram famous, and continue to develop their fame on different platforms other than Instagram, such as: Youtube, Snapchat, and Twitter. They are the trendsetters of today's society and everyone is caught up in all the gossip or "breaking news" relating to them, no matter how big or small. Updating their followers on any minor or major incident in their lives is their main objective in order to keep them satisfied and content. …show more content…

Instead of updating their followers on their everyday occurences, posting funny images, or solely posting pictures they are in, the aesthete combines the art of photography and the joys of everyday life into one. This user uses Instagram as their portfolio. Conventionally, the aesthete is a photographer, artist or apprentice in one of these fields. They put a great deal of effort and hard work into the pictures they post, and share them with their followers. This user has the healthiest and most productive usage habits because they post for themselves rather than for other people. They are completely content with what they display on their page, and don't feel the necessity to be competing with others, like the Influencer. They are not completely secluded and anonymous, like the meme page user, and they are also not caught up in the perfection of their posts, like the high

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