Understanding and Navigating Andropause

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Tips on Dealing With Andropause
It is common to hear that women go through menopause, but very rarely do we hear about men with andropause. Andropause (also known as the male menopause) usually happens when males enter their thirties. It is the gradual decrease of testosterone levels, which leads to a plethora of symptoms and discomforts. Its common symptoms are:
• Hair loss
• A decrease in sex drive (libido)
• A decrease in erectile tension and endurance
• Decreased energy levels
• Fatigue
• Depression
• Loss of motivation
• Irritability
• Insomnia
• Sleep apnea
• Decreased muscle mass, strength, and endurance
• Joint pain
• Weight gain
• Gynecomastia
Though andropause it not talked about as much as menopause, it is only right to treat men who are suffering from its effects. There are a lot of things men can do to repress the symptoms. And as long as they follow these tips, they will have an …show more content…

This intervention will help improve one’s mood, energy, and overall physical state. There are a lot of hormone replacement therapy clinics in Beverly Hills that specialize in this treatment. These clinics offer customized treatments that will accommodate your wants and needs and prioritize the problems and symptoms that concern you the most.
Eating a Proper Diet
It is a well-known fact that food can affect one’s mood. This knowledge is especially useful when a man is on the onset of andropause, a time when he is most vulnerable to mood changes. During this time, he needs to be conscious with what he eats. In addition to affecting one’s mood, food also plays a big part in weight gain – another unwanted sign of andropause. Men who are approaching this stage in life should be more conscious of their eating habits in order to maintain the best of physical and emotional health.
Incorporate the following in your daily diet:
• Various fruits and

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