Testosterone Essay

982 Words2 Pages

Keywords: testosterone booster, mens health, low testosterone, testosterone supplements, testosterone replacement therapy

Mens Hormones
What is the male hormone?
Like their female counterparts, men also experience hormonal decline as age increases. The hormone that we consider typically male is called testosterone. Amazingly, the male fetus begins to produce testosterone as shortly as seven weeks after conception. According to Harvard Health, men’s testosterone levels actually peak around age 17. In fact, testosterone levels usually plateau for a while, and then slowly start to decrease around age 30 and 40. The normal rate of decline is about 1 percent per year after the age of 30. By the time a man reaches 80, his testosterone level will be about half of what it was when he was a young man.
Associating hormones with a certain gender can be a bit of a misnomer, as women also make testosterone, although in much smaller amounts. Likewise, the liver converts some of a man’s testosterone and fat tissue into estrogen.
How does it affect men?
The production and use of testosterone in the male body plays an extremely important part in how a male ages. For instance, testosterone levels increase during male puberty, deepening the voice, filling out muscle mass, and stimulating sex drive. In adult males, it plays much the same role. Adult men rely on testosterone to maintain muscle mass and strength, maintain bone and joint strength, distribute fat throughout the body appropriately, stimulate proper red blood cell production, and initiate and maintain sperm production and healthy libido.
About half of a man’s testosterone is actually freely in circulation, or ‘biologically active’. The other half is bound to a globulin, called the sex h...

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...have been either a patch worn on the upper arm, or a gel based formula applied directly to the skin. Testosterone gel and patches are applied daily, and absorb harmlessly through the skin. Another popular testosterone replacement therapy is injections. These injections are typically administered every 1-2 weeks, depending on the patient. A Buccal Tablet is applied to the gum, where testosterone is absorbed over a 12-hour period. They are taken twice daily. And finally, testosterone pellets are placed under the skin near the hip by a doctor during a surgical procedure.
Each of these treatment options can help men with Low T achieve adequate levels of hormone replacement. Only your doctor can decide if testosterone replacement therapy is right for you.

If you think that you may be experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, contact your doctor and request a test.

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