Menstruation Essay

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Menstruation, also known as a menstrual period, is the monthly shedding of the lining of the uterus. The uterus is the organ in the lower abdomen where a baby grows during pregnancy. Menstruation involves the passing of blood, tissue, fluid, and mucus. The flow of blood usually occurs during 3–7 consecutive days each month.
Girls usually start their periods between the ages of 12 and 14, but some girls may be older or younger when they start their period. Some girls have regular monthly menstrual cycles right from the beginning. However, it is not unusual to have only a couple of drops of blood or spotting when first starting to have periods. It is also not unusual to have two periods a month or miss a month or two when first starting …show more content…

Contact a health care provider if:
You have signs that your period may not be normal.
You develop a fever with your period.
Your periods are lasting more than 7 days.
You develop clots with your period and never had clots before.
You cannot get relief from over-the-counter medicine for your symptoms.
Your period has not started, and it has been longer than 35 days.
Get help right away if:
Your period is so heavy that you have to change pads or tampons every 30 minutes.
You have any symptoms of toxic shock syndrome (TSS), such as:
A high fever.
Vomiting or diarrhea.
Red skin that looks like a sunburn.
Red eyes.
Fainting or feeling dizzy.
Sore throat.
Muscle aches.
If you develop any of these symptoms, visit your health care provider immediately. TSS is a serious health condition that can be caused by wearing a tampon for too long.
Menstruation, also known as a menstrual period, is the monthly shedding of the lining of the uterus.
During your period, you pass blood, tissue, fluid, and mucus out of your vagina.
Keep track of your periods by using a calendar.
Contact a health care provider if you have signs that your period may not be

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