Informative Essay On Co-Sleeping

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It is becoming more common in recent years that parents choose to sleep with their infants after birth. This alone has quadrupled the number of infant deaths worldwide in the last four decades. (Krugman) Co-sleeping has been a controversial topic for years because of the increased deaths. Is sleeping with a baby in the same bed dangerous? The answer is yes, co-sleeping can cause great harm to a newborn or infant. While a parent is a sleep they are not completely aware of their baby and his or her soundings. This can put their child in harm’s way for example: suffocation, entrapment, strangulation, falling off the bed, and an increased risk for SIDS can all occur. These tragedies can be avoided if parents would choose to use cribs or co-sleepers instead of sleeping with their baby in the same bed. Dr. Scott Krugman stated in his informative article that “Very few infants die alone, on their backs, and in a safe crib, and the majority of these deaths are preventable.” Many mothers choose to co-sleep with their infants because it makes feedings in the middle of the night easier. This may be true, but it comes with a great risk especially for breastfeeding mothers. Research has proved that co-sleeping increases the chances of babies suffocating to death. An example of how this can …show more content…

If a parent is in a deep sleep, they may not notice movement in their baby. This can put an infant in danger by giving them a chance to fall off the bed. Most adult beds are at least 3 feet off the ground and that is a long way to fall. No this may not be life threating in most cases, but it will defiantly cause damage. Injuries that can come from an infant falling off the bed include concussions, bruises, and in rare cases broken bones. A much safer choice for an infant is to use a baby bed. They are designed to protect a baby from being able fall to the ground while their

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