Persuasive Essay On Sleepovers

810 Words2 Pages

Tricia Streets
ENG 121
Mr. Caldemeyer

Why I Don’t Allow My Children To Attend Sleepovers

The purpose of this essay is to expose the dangers of allowing a child to sleep over at someone’s house without either the mother or father being present. A sleepover might be at a longtime family-friend’s house or just at a classmate's house. You might know the parents well or you may have never met them. Either way, the danger of a sleepover far outweighs any benefit.

This is an extremely sensitive issue and it is easy to offend people who care about your children by turning down invitations to a so-called “slumber party”.
One of the biggest excuses given to not allowing your children to attend a sleepover is that the child has difficulties sleeping away from home or attending to his or her own needs.

That is indeed a good enough reason to keep them tucked safe in their own bed but some may argue that if you do not allow the child the chance to at least try to learn to sleep away from home they will never grow up to be independent young adults. I would counter that there are many children who never slept away from home and were able to successfully adjust to sleeping without their mommy in the next room over as young adults.

For kids, having a slumber party is exciting. They get to spend a significant amount of time with their friend and share in their daily life. For both sets of parents, it can be a break. If your child is sleeping over at a friends h...

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...t is something that would be very difficult to overcome.

Surely it is not a common thing but it might happen and if it does how would you, as a parent, forgive yourself? It just takes one time to severely mess up a kids life forever.

There are plenty of opportunities for your child to socialise with their friends in a less vulnerable position. Playdates during the day are much safer and you, as a parent will have more control over what your child is exposed to.

As parents we need to weigh the risks and rewards and go from there, but I think it is clear that the risks of a slumber party far outweigh the positive rewards for the child and that is why I have a blanket ban on all sleepovers at non-relatives houses.

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