Informative Essay On Bat

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I just recently included a post about Austin, Texas in the series I am writing about the history of the capital cities of the U.S. Austin is well-known for its bat colony of Mexican free-tailed bats. From March through November many people go out at night to watch the bats emerging in the dark. Every year there is even a popular bat festival which also attracts people from around the world. There are people who just don’t like bats but they are not bad creatures as long as they don’t tangle up in my hair or scare me. I think their little furry faces are just adorable as you can see in the photo. Let me tell you about the benefits of Austin’s bats.

• First of all bats eat bugs. Free-tail bats have a diet of moths, flying ants, dragonflies, wasps, gnats, beetles and mosquitoes. Remember that there are many nasty diseases that mosquitoes carry. Basically Austin’s free-tail colony eats about 30,000 pounds of insects ever night and that is cause for celebration.
• As I already mentioned these bats are rather adorable. Adult Mexican free-tailed bats have these incredible oversized ears and little wrinkly faces. Baby bats are called “pups” and we all know that everyone loves cute little puppies (I mean dogs of course) but little bat pups have their own cuteness too. When these bats are upon the ground they …show more content…

Mexican free-tail guano has been used in the production of environmentally-friendly fertilizers and insecticides. What is interesting is that Confederate soldiers during the Civil War harvested guano so they could produce saltpeter which was needed as the key ingredient in gun powder, after their ports were blockaded. Bat guano also helps scientists researching the effects of climate change and helps other researchers, giving them bacteria and enzymes so they could produce things like detergents and antibiotic drugs. It is even used to convert industrial waste and byproducts into safe

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