German And Jewish Similarities

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Have you ever wondered how the Jewish and the German people have similarities or differences in certain aspects in life? Despite the fact that German and Jewish people have several similarities, they have more differences than people think. This paper is going to talk about the how the Germans and Jewish people differ in regards to holidays, religions, and food and drink. Germans and Jewish people are very similar to us in many ways and one of the ways are holidays and celebrations. As stated by Office Holidays says, “Germany celebrates many of the traditional Christian holidays, including Christmas and Easter. German Unification Day on October 3 marks the reuniting of East and West Germany and is the only federal holiday.” Germans celebrate many holidays like Americans do. Jewish people also celebrate holidays. According to Israel Science and Technology, “The Jewish people celebrate many of the traditional Jewish holidays, including Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Hanukkah. The Jewish people in Israel also celebrate Independence Day on May 12.” America also celebrates Independence day just like the Jewish people. Religion is also a big part of life for the German and Jewish people. …show more content…

Luther was upset with the Catholic church for many reasons, including the sale of indulgences.” Germans during the 1900s were predominantly Lutheran and/or Christian, while today there is also the presence of the Islamic and Jewish religions. Jewish people have their own religion that they follow. According to Spiri Tourism, “The Jewish religion started in Israel and is one of the oldest religion in the world and dates back farther than Catholicism and Islam.” Jewish people got their religion from Israel and Judaism is still one of the oldest religions out there that they

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