Informative Essay: Lower Back Pain

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Lower back pain is a common and painful condition that can hinder almost every activity of your day, even walking and sitting can cause pain. It is estimated that nearly 80% of Americans will suffer from back pain in their lifetime. Although there are various OTC medications and prescription drugs that will help alleviate the pain, those drugs have many negative side effects and don't get to the root cause of the problem or help to change or repair it.

I am going to share 5 natural at home remedies that you can start using today to get lower back pain relief.

1. Stay lean and fit. Excess body weight can put added stress and strain on the spine resulting in back pain. Not only will moderate exercise help reduce lower back pain, but it is also a tremendous benefit to overall health and wellness. Try to exercise at least 4-5 days each week. Do an activity you enjoy, such as biking, running, walking or playing with your children. Exercise can and should be fun. It is also important to follow a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. A simple tip to losing weight is to avoid all processed foods; this one tip alone will melt the weight off. …show more content…

Be mindful of your posture. Many of us slouch and are hunched over the majority of the day. Stand up straight and tall and when at the computer or desk, watch so you are sitting upright on the edge of your chair. Having correct posture can reduce strain on the spine and back muscles resulting in lower back pain relief. This may take some time and reminding of yourself, so make a note to watch your posture and put it by your desk or

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