In Search Of True Love In Disney's Enchanted

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Introduction Movies produced by Disney are some of the highest grossing movies on the planet, and for a good reason. The characters are well developed, musical numbers are choreographed to a tee, and the animations (when there are any) are vibrant and realistic. Enchanted, released in 2007 (The Internet Movie Database), is no exception. What sets Enchanted apart from other princess movies of the genre, though, is the juxtaposition between Giselle, the fair maiden, and the “real world” she becomes immersed in, courtesy of the Evil Stepmother. Enchanted defies the “Disney princess” norms set by the industry by setting the film in the very-real New York City as opposed to a fictitious fairy-tale land. Doe-Eyed Damsel in Distress For the majority of the film, Giselle is a standard Disney princess. She has a beautiful singing voice, she talks to animals, and she blissfully lives her life in search of true love. This is first shown in the opening song, “True Love’s Kiss”, in which she explains to her woodland friends that “[she’s] been dreaming of a true love’s kiss, and a prince [she’s] hoping comes with this” (Enchanted, 2007). Her prince hears her and joins in to “finish [her] duet” (Enchanted, 2007). Without a moment of …show more content…

Even back in Andalasia she believed everyone was good, and did not have preconceived notions about anyone based on their role in society. A good example of this is when she speaks about the character the audience has seen as the Evil Queen. “It's not true what they say. I have met so many kind and wonderful stepmothers. Edward has a stepmother. I've never met her, but I hear she's just lovely” 
(Enchanted, 2007). Even though in fairy-tales, stepmothers are characteristically bitter and evil, Giselle does not have this impression, and instead is trusting and kind towards a woman she has never

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