The Theme Of Love In Early Disney Princess Movies

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Love isn’t a word to be thrown around without cause but in some countries and even movies and shows people fall in love so easily. I chose to tell as many people as possible that I love them just to see how people would react or see if they would say it back. As I said there are people that always fall in love so quickly from my friends to young kids who do not even yet know the meaning of it. Early Disney princess movies would constantly portray this idea of love at first sight which in the real world hardly ever works out. I Chose the mall for this project because I wanted to test this one many different age groups, races, and genders. My initial thoughts were that maybe they’ll think I’m crazy or the younger generation would say it back …show more content…

Next, I tried doing it to older males before I went on to the younger ones but their reactions were priceless. Every older male around 30s or 40s with the exception of fathers with their kids were all hostile toward me when I told them. The two separate fathers with kids I did it too just laughed or said I love you back to me all the other males told me “get the hell away from them” or asked me if I was gay. A majority of them ignored me and walked away but the African American males’ young or old either threatened me to go away or would call me gay and laugh. White young males however, either responded the same or said I love you back to me witch was something I didn’t expect considering all the hostile males I dealt with. Older women on the other hand just either laughed or just ignored me I feel like most of them thought I was pranking them so they either responded positively or not at all. Young women however, responded by saying ok thanks just too quickly get rid of me or laughed and didn’t know what to say or saying that they can’t love me because they don’t even know me. I did get three to say it back to me but I think they also knew I wasn’t serious. Overall I did get a lot of mix reactions between males and females some better than

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