Impulsive Behaviors

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Impulsiveness is hardest to control and can have the most serious impact on any person's life. The impulsive shopper can end up in debt, just as the impulsive outburst can cause a person to lose friends and jobs (Quan, 2016). It can also cause risk-taking behavior, such as darting out in the busy street without looking around for safety. Impulsivity has been defined in terms of swift action without forethought or conscious judgment, behavior without adequate thought, and the tendency to act with less forethought than do most individuals of equal ability and knowledge. The wide range of associations between impulsivity and maladaptive behavior makes this trait increasingly interesting to researchers, and further investigation into this topic …show more content…

Many guidance referrals cases include a wide range of behaviors, such as explosive temper tantrums, physical aggression, fighting, threats or attempts to hurt others, use of deadly weapons, including intentional destruction of property. These behavioral problems can be outward symptoms of greater behavioral struggles these students are dealing with that can be traced to their early life abuse experiences. The World Health Organization defines child abuse and child maltreatment as "all forms of physical and psychological abuse, sexual abuse, neglect or exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child's health, survival, or dignity. Significant stresses experienced early in life can cause problems in the development of social skills and behavioral problems that can last throughout childhood and persist into adulthood. These problems can manifest themselves in a number of ways, such as anxiety, anti-social behavior, depression, and suicide (Oregon Health & Science University,

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